About Me

Kayaking in the Allegheny river, Pittsburgh

Glad you could drop by. I’m Mukul Hinge-a self professed generalist, and a recent Information Technology graduate from the School of Computer Science  at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

Eight years of experience in a small organization gave me the luxury of undertaking and managing diverse responsibilities, testing my hypotheses in a results driven environment and on my long suffering students and making mistakes and learning from them. Having worked with people, processes and technology, I realized, in greater detail, the need to systematically analyze the nature of the interactions between these for clearly identifying business objectives and simplifying organizational process management for achieving those objectives. Ergo, after instructing about 18000 (extremely patient) students, I chose to return to the academic world, on the other side of the desk.

Feel free to take a look around the site. I welcome your comments and suggestions. If you happen to be a former student and wish to get in touch, drop me a line using my contact form.